Teach Us Amelia Bedelia

In this download you will be getting a lap book and comprehension activities.
Even though instructions are included in this download.

Take a Look Inside Some of the comprehension pack

Synonyms found in the book

Please read below so you can get instructions on how to put it together.

Each mini book has to do with a part of the reading.
Because this is not a chapter book.
You must ask whatever questions you want your students to answer.
For instance.
In the Mini Book Science Time: you can ask the class. 
What was happening in the story when Amelia Bedelia was doing Science Time?
and so forth.
Your Students will then come up with a complete sentence and write it
in the Science Time Mini Book.

I have also detailed the mini books to have pictures 
that have to do with that specific part of the story.
For instance.
In the Mini Book Problems: You will find Apples.
Because in the story Amelia Bedelia has the kids play with the apples.

Take Look Inside The Lap Book

This is the Title Page for your Lap book. 
Cut in half and glue it on each side of your folder.

This is the way it will look once you have used a manila folder.
Folded in three parts 

You will need a Card Board to add the extra mini books.
Tape at the top.

In the back of your card board glue the cause and effect sheet
Your students can fill it out after reading.

A Closer look at your download

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