Volcanoes .....Rivers Of Fire

Reader Book on all there is to know about Volcanoes
Today has been a great day for our Home Schooling.!!!Hooray!!!
 We woke up early and Daniel was super excited to start on this Lap Book I had made for him. Yesterday he had cutting and pasting all day but it has been worthy since we have started this mega pack of Volcanoes that is super fun and hands on as all of our activities. 
I have come to the conclusion this is the way to really get kids to memorize this long terms for good.
Here are some pics of our morning and this mega pack of Volcanoes is based on a National Geographic Book for kids called Rivers of Fire. I have started to make lap books on each one of these books since Daniel loves them and we love National Geographic magazines. 
Visit my store if you are interested in purchasing this template and hope these pics are helpful in making yours memorable and fun.

There is absolutely no reason why young children should be considered too young to learn about Mega Volcanoes
This is the book we used as a reference
Fill in the blanks

Log your Knowledge

This is how it looks like inside

Different Volcanoes 
The bottom of the ocean
Types of Rocks Notebook Page

Different booklets for logging facts as we read.

Layers of the Earth
Volcanoes has been part of our First Grade Science .
Our working zone on a regular Home school Day. This particular was raining so we stayed inside.
Daniel's drawing of magma
Busy drawing

Inside the booklets

S.O.S what to do in an emergency

The good and bad side of Volcanoes

Inside the Toolbox 

Types of Mountains

Daniel's drawing of Aa Lava

What people thought about Volcanoes