Journeys Unit 1 Lesson 1: Common Core Curriculum

Journeys Unit 1 Lesson 1

"A package for Mrs Jewls"

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Following common core in our homeschooling.
We are using Journeys: Harcourt Publishers
Grade 5

We have added a few extra activities like crossword puzzles and 
comprehension questions. 
This unit ties well into learning about Gravity. 

we have added a lap book on Isaac Newton
as well as

quite a few more information on Laws of Motion.

A lap book will comprise all we have learned grammatically and 
also with science. 

Teaching common core in your homeschooling will well 
get your kids prepared with what is 
asked of them grade by grade by the school system.

You may as well adapt an add more information like 
we have done. 

Here is the view of the lap book inside.
We have added more information to this unit. 

Making this unit well tie into Science.

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